Student/Family Handbook
- Overview
- Attendance
- Bell Schedule
- Breakfast and Lunch
- Health Information
- Miscellaneous
- Our School Protects Students from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB)
- Our School Stands Against Discrimination
- Our School is Gender-Inclusive
- RISE Expectations
- Special Programs/Services
- Transportation
Welcome to Hilltop Heritage Elementary! We look forward to an exciting and successful year of learning. Learning
means many things. It means that students have to be at school…on time, all day, and every day. It means that time
spent at school must be quality time, without interruptions or distractions. It means that we must work together as
a team to make sure every student is a learner, each and every day. Through our partnership, we can fulfill the vision
of the Renton School District and Hilltop Heritage to provide inclusive and rigorous learning experiences in which each student is empowered and engaged in our caring community.
At Hilltop Heritage Elementary we…
● Position students positively and powerfully
● Enact teaching practices grounded in research and knowledge of our learners
● Design classrooms and instruction for equitable learning
● Disrupt systems of oppression
● Disrupt deficit language and perspectives
The policies and expectations outlined in the handbook are in place to make Hilltop Heritage Elementary safe for all
and to create a place where student learning is the number one priority. Please sit down with your student and read
this handbook together. Sign the “Student/Family Handbook Verification | 2024-2025” form in ParentSquare to
confirm that you and your student have read and understand the information shared here. Please call 425-204-6851 if
you have any questions. Thank you.
Hilltop Heritage Elementary Staff
At Hilltop Heritage Elementary, we are “Empowering All Students to RISE to Excellence”.
Students must be at school in order to be engaged and participate in the learning. We expect every student to be
Leave on time in the morning. Help students leave home each morning so they will get to the bus stop on time or
arrive at school before 8:55 (Monday-Thursday) and before 10:25 (Friday).
No Late Arrivals/Early Dismissals. Please schedule ALL appointments before or after school. Ensure your child
does not miss critical learning time.
Please refrain from scheduling vacations during school days. Check the district calendar and make vacation plans
during designated school breaks. Ensure your child does not miss critical learning time. Family vacations are NOT
excused absences without prior approval. Only five (5) pre-approved vacation days are permitted for the school
year. Parents must contact the Attendance Office to obtain the required forms at least two weeks prior to the
vacation in order to receive consideration for vacation excusal. Final determination of approved vacation requests
will be made by school administration.
Excused Absences: Illness/Injury to student, medical appointments, legal appointments, religious observances;
family emergency (death/illness); school-sponsored activity (e.g. field trips); pre-approved vacation days (up to 5
days per year)
Please call 425-204-6860. Press 1 to report an absence with the following information:
● Student’s Full Name, Teacher, Date(s) of Absence, Reason for Absence
Long Term Absences: Send a written note to school for any long-term absences. (Remember, family vacations are
not excused absences without prior approval and only up to five (5) days.)
● Date(s) of Absence, Doctor verification
We ask for your help to eliminate tardies at Hilltop Heritage. Please make sure your student arrives on time every
day. A student with excessive tardies will become a “student of concern”. Administration will work with families
to identify barriers and create a plan to minimize excessive tardiness.
If an emergency arises and your student is tardy:
● Bring your student to the office to sign in OR
● Send a signed note with your student, indicating your knowledge of the tardy.
EARLY DISMISSALS (Note: Students will not be dismissed between 3:00 pm and 3:35 PM)
Please schedule all appointments outside of school hours. We ask that you do not let appointments interfere with
student learning. If there is an emergency, come to the office to sign your student out. Students must always be
checked out through the office.
BECCA Bill (Washington State Law)
Students with excessive absences (excused or unexcused) will become “students of concern”. The school will be
required to petition the Juvenile Court System to mandate compulsory attendance if and when a student has
seven (7) unexcused absences in one month or ten (10) unexcused absences in a school year.
Bell Schedule
School begins at 8:55AM each Monday-Thursday and at 10:25AM on Fridays. School ends at 3:35PM each day.
Students are released at 12:00PM on half-days.
*Please pick up your student at 3:35PM. NO late pick-ups.
There is NO supervision before school. To ensure the safety of all, students are not allowed to arrive at school more
than 15 minutes before the first bell.
Students in grades K-3 will report to the gymnasium and students in grades 4-5 will report to the cafeteria first thing
in the morning as their teacher will escort them to class from there. K-3 students eating breakfast will report to the
cafeteria then to the gym.
If your child is tardy, park your car and escort them to the office. We will help them get to class from the office.
Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast is served Monday-Thursday 8:40-8:55; and Friday 10:10-10:25.
Food from home may not be shared or traded with other students at any time (i.e. candy, chips, desserts, etc.).
This is especially important given various food allergies for some students.
Free/reduced breakfasts and lunches are available to qualifying families. Application forms are sent home with
students and are also available in the office.
● A new application must be submitted each school year.
● Complete one application per household.
● List all the students attending Renton schools on one form.
● Visit our Nutrition Services webpage for more information and to access the applicationhttps:// Or, call Nutrition
Services at (425)204-3545.
● Applications take approximately 10 business days to process. Students will be charged for meals until the
application is approved so turn in your completed application as soon as possible.
Breakfast and Lunch will be free for the school year. However, if your child would like a second meal, it will be at
an additional cost as noted below. You may pay for meals online at with
a credit card or send a check to school (check should be made payable to Renton Nutrition Services). Please
write your student’s name AND “Hilltop Heritage” on the check.
Breakfast w/ milk $2.50
Lunch w/ milk $3.60
Milk Only $0.50
Adult Lunch $5.00
Health Information
Our registered school nurses supervise health room procedures, conduct health screening and notify parents if
further medical evaluation is needed, assists with individual medical concerns, and helps coordinate services with
other health agencies. Our nurses are available at Hilltop Heritage on the following days: Ms. Celeste Dillard on
Tuesdays and Ms. Michele Shilley on Thursdays. They can be reached at 425-204-6852. Our Office and Clinic
Assistant, Rosalina Solis, is available every school day in addition to the times our school nurses are on campus.
School personnel are mandated by law to report any suspicion of child abuse or neglect to Child Protective
Services (CPS).
Our goal is to prevent/control the spread of disease in the classroom.
● Confidentiality will be respected.
● Notify the school nurse/office if your child contracts any communicable disease (i.e. Covid, chicken pox,
scabies, lice, ringworm, impetigo, hepatitis, measles, etc.).
● We will send home students suspected of having a communicable disease.
Please keep the nurse informed if your child has any health changes or health concerns such as bee sting,
allergies, food allergies, etc.
Hearing and vision screening are done annually. The school nurse will notify parents/guardians and provide
assistance if further medical evaluation is needed.
Your child must go home if they have a temperature of 100+ degrees OR if they are vomiting. Ensure we have
updated emergency contact numbers for your child in case you cannot be reached. We recommend the student be
fever free for at least 24 hours, without medication, before coming back to school.
Washington State law requires that all students, kindergarten through 12th grade, be fully immunized before they
can attend school. Parents/guardians must fill out and sign a Certificate of Immunization Status Form giving the
month, day and year of each dose of vaccine.
Medication includes both prescription and non-prescription (over the counter) drugs.
● The law requires schools to have a written request from the parent/guardian and instructions from a
physician or dentist for any medication (including over-the-counter medication) to be taken at school.
● All medication, including over the counter (Tylenol, aspirin, cough syrup, cough drops, etc.), must be…
o Registered with the school nurse, sent in the original container in which they were purchased, and
kept in the health clinic.
Student clothing and hygiene must be safe, represent respect, and demonstrate a readiness to learn. Hilltop
Heritage reserves the right to prohibit any clothing/appearance which causes a disruption or interferes with the
learning environment.
Student birthdays will be recognized by teachers in alignment with student and family wishes. We will not have
family birthday celebrations at school (e.g. No treats, balloons, or other celebratory items provided by families).
The Renton School District/Hilltop Heritage is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged cell phones. Cell
phones must be turned off at school and stored in students' backpacks during school hours. Phones will be
confiscated if used, seen, or heard during supervision hours (8:40-3:35 Mon-Thurs; 10:10-3:35 Fri). Confiscated
cell phones may be picked up after school.
Parents/guardians are welcome to visit our school. Please see the board policy (4200) regarding classroom visits
in the Appendix. Be sure to pre-arrange your visit at least 24 hours in advance with the teacher, principal, and/or
assistant principal. Check in at the office to verify your appointment, sign-in, and obtain a Visitor badge.
Note: Students are not allowed to have friends or school-age relatives visit them during the school day.
Having current, updated Emergency Contact Information is imperative for the welfare of your student. Please
you and your designated contact person(s) may be reached in case of an emergency.
Our November Parent Conferences are one of the most important events of the year – they set the stage for our
work together as a team, helping students learn and achieve. Conferences provide an opportunity for teachers and
families to visit with each other, discuss student progress, set academic and social goals for the year, and
develop a plan to make sure student learning is at the forefront. Please mark your calendars for this important
Our Friday collaboration/delayed start time provides time for staff to work together to focus on student learning
and participate in staff development. Delayed Start Fridays have a 10:25am start time and are on the school
The list includes but is not limited to gum, toys, permanent markers, trading cards, sports equipment
(basketballs, footballs, etc.), candy and non-water drinks (outside of lunch), electronics or personal
entertainment devices (tablets, hand held games, cameras, radios, laser pointers, etc.); and any item considered a
distraction to student learning.
Items will be confiscated if brought to school. Confiscated items may require pick-up by a parent or guardian.
Items will be held for 30 days and then discarded or donated to charity if not picked up by a parent or guardian.
Candy/gum/non-water drinks will be discarded.
Renton School District/Hilltop Heritage is not responsible for lost, stolen, damaged, or confiscated items brought
to school.
The following items are not permitted on school premises at any time:
Weapons or any item that resembles a weapon (toy knife, toy gun, etc.), illegal drugs; tobacco; fireworks;
lighters/matches; alcohol; and any gang related paraphernalia.
Additionally, Hilltop Heritage has a NO toy policy. Students should not bring any toys (ex. trading cards, stuffed
animals, spinners, etc.) as they are a distraction to the learning environment. All toys will be confiscated and
returned at the end of the school day. Exceptions made for pre-arranged teacher activities occurring in
Copies of Child Custody Agreements and Legal Orders regulating parental access to children and school records
must be filed with the main office. Board of Directors policy prohibits school or school personnel from becoming
involved in domestic disagreements and concerns between parents. The welfare and education of the child must
be the focus of the school’s involvement. Parents are asked to contact the principal if there are questions in this
Our Lost and Found is located in the Hummingbird Hub (front hallway area near the office). All unclaimed items will
be donated to charity at the end of each Trimester.
Pets, even on a leash, are not allowed on school property from 8:30am - 3:50pm or during school functions unless
special arrangements have been made in advance (Board Policy 2029).
Students may not call home for non-emergency issues. This includes making arrangements to go home with
friends. In the case of illness, the nurse or health care technician will make a determination to call based on
symptoms such as fever, vomiting, traumatic injury, etc.
PTA (PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION) – Hilltop Heritage has a supportive and helpful PTA!
Please JOIN Hilltop Heritage PTA! Parents/Guardians are encouraged to become members of the PTA. Our
wonderful PTA supports programs in the school, sponsors special events, and holds regularly scheduled meetings
for members.
While at recess, everyone is expected to follow RISE expectations- Responsible, Inclusive, Safe, and Engaged. If
students do not follow school wide expectations, they may be required to participate in skill building activities
including restorative conversations during future recess time in an alternative recess setting. Recess happens every day, no matter the weather so please make sure your child comes to school ready to be outside in all weather conditions.
Student safety is our priority. As such, parents, guardians, and other adults may not observe students on the
playground during recess or other times (e.g. Outdoor PE class) unless they receive prior authorization. This
includes observation from the parking lot and the bus loading zone. Should an adult be encountered observing in
this capacity, they will respectfully be reminded of this expectation and, if needed, asked to leave the premises.
Report cards are progress reports provided at the end of each trimester (November, March, and June). The report
cards summarize your child’s current achievement status in regards to specific learning objectives in each
curriculum area. Your student’s teacher will make early contact with you if there are concerns or if your student is
experiencing difficulty. Good news will also be shared!
It is the policy of the Renton School District to hold school whenever possible. However, there may be days when
school must be closed or start late due to weather or emergency conditions. Do not call transportation or the
school. For information about delayed starts due to weather or school closures, please refer to the following
● RSD website (
● Morning TV news stations (KING 5, KOMO 4, KIRO 7, KCPQ 13) & Radio Stations
In order for students to receive a well-rounded education, the Renton School District provides specialized
instruction in the area of library/research skill, music, and physical education. The curriculum is required and part
of every elementary student’s education. Students must attend these classes and participate (students excused
from participating for health or religious reasons are still required to sit in the class but not participate).
All visitors on campus must sign in at the main office and obtain a Visitor badge. The badge must be visible and
worn at all times while on campus. Once your visit is complete, please return the badge to the main office and
sign out.
WE LOVE VOLUNTEERS! We wish to extend an invitation to all families and community members to volunteer in
the school or with projects at home. If you are interested in being a volunteer in a classroom, the office, health
room, library, playground, or on a school/ district committee, please contact your child’s teacher or the school
Our School Protects Students from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB)
Schools are meant to be safe and inclusive environments where all students are protected from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB), including in the classroom, on the school bus, in school sports, and during other school activities. Our District Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) webpage defines HIB, explains what to do if you see or experience it, and our school and district process for responding to it.
Our School Stands Against Discrimination
Discrimination can happen when someone is treated differently or unfairly because they are part of a protected class, including their race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, creed, disability, use of a service animal, or veteran or military status. Renton School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of any of these protected groups and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
Read more about Non-discrimination, including what it is and how to report it.
Our School is Gender-Inclusive
In Washington, all students have the right to be treated consistent with their gender identity at school. Our school will:
- Address students by their requested name and pronouns, with or without a legal name change
- Change a student’s gender designation and have their gender accurately reflected in school records
- Allow students to use restrooms and locker rooms that align with their gender identity
- Allow students to participate in sports, physical education courses, field trips, and overnight trips in accordance with their gender identity
- Keep health and education information confidential and private
- Allow students to wear clothing that reflects their gender identity and apply dress codes without regard to a student’s gender or perceived gender
- Protect students from teasing, bullying, or harassment based on their gender or gender identity
Read our full commitment to Gender-Inclusive Schools.
RISE Expectations
Hilltop Heritage Elementary promotes a positive and productive learning environment that contributes to the success
of all students. The need for order and respect is fundamental to a safe learning environment. School-wide
expectations are posted throughout the building and in every classroom.
Hilltop Heritage STUDENT AND STAFF BEHAVIOR will ENABLE and not interfere with…
● The student’s ability to learn
● The learning of other students
● Our ability to teach
● Representing kindness and respect at all times
● Demonstrating safety for self and others
Students are recognized and celebrated in a variety of ways for following classroom rules and living up to our
Hilltop Heritage RISE Expectations. In addition to classroom teacher recognition, Charm Notes (aka as positive
behavior acknowledgement), monthly Student of the Month awards assemblies, and other school wide activities
are examples of ways students are recognized and celebrated.
A student who behaves in a way that is unsafe, disrespectful, unkind, or interferes with the learning environment
will receive disciplinary action. Many behaviors will be addressed by the teacher directly and may include verbal
and/or written notification to parents/guardians. All disciplinary actions will follow Renton School District Policy
No. 3241.
Purpose for applying an intervention or disciplinary action:
● To maintain safety
● To enable teaching and learning to take place
● To reteach responsible, inclusive, safe, and engaged behaviors
● To give students the opportunity to make positive choices
Special Programs/Services
Hilltop Heritage provides Multilingual services to support students who have recently immigrated to the United
States, focusing on developing and applying English language skills to academic content. ML students are
identified through assessment.
Hilltop Heritage Elementary School and the Renton School District recognize that students whose disabilities
adversely impact their educational performance and who require specially designed instruction have potential for
improving educational performance when they receive special education and related services tailored to fit their
Each eligible student with a disability at Hilltop Heritage shall be afforded a full educational opportunity. This goal
shall be met, consistent with the state’s goals, by ensuring the provision of a free, appropriate public education; by
complying with state and local procedures; and by improving performance goal indicators. Special education
services for students eligible for special education shall be an integral part of the general education programs of
the district, and shall operate in compliance with federal and state requirements governing special education. The
district provides a continuum of placement options which may include services within and outside the school and
district depending on individual student needs.
Our school counseling program helps students to improve self-esteem and/or peer interaction skills. Students are
referred by teachers, families and/or the principal. Our school counselor is Ms. Rene Johnson and she can be
reached at 425-204-6900.
The school psychologist provides a variety of services including psychological testing (determining a student’s
academic ability level to his/hers performance level), classroom observations, parent education, referral to
outside agencies, writing reports to parents and teachers, etc. Our school psychologist is Ms. Lily Robins-Deville
and she can be reached at 425-204-6905.
Changes in transportation plans are disruptive for both students and the school. Changes should be kept to a
minimum. For student safety, if a change is necessary please follow the procedures outlined below:
● Communicate the change to your student in advance.
● Send a note to the office outlining the change.
● A Bus Pass is required for students who are riding a different bus or getting on/off at a different stop.
Students must bring a signed note to the office requesting any bus changes. The office will verify with the
Transportation Department and issue a Bus Pass if applicable.
● Students will not be allowed to make any transportation changes. Verification from a parent or guardian is
● Phone notification should be made to the main office at (425) 204-6860 by 2:35 pm to assure timely
● Arrival is 8:40 (Mon-Thurs) / 10:10 (Friday).
● Dismissal is 3:35.
● Follow staff and safety patrol directions.
● Enter the parking lot from Duvall Ave NE (driveway nearest 10th Street) and follow the arrows to reach the
family drop-off/pick-up curb near the front entrance of the building.
● Please note that the driveways nearest 12th Street are for BUSES ONLY.
● Load and unload only along the curb.
● If you need to leave your car, please park in a designated parking space- not along the curb to keep traffic
● Follow all Disabled Parking laws.
● Do not enter or block the bus zone in the front of the school or block the buses.
We ensure student safety at Hilltop Heritage by allotting 15 minutes of supervision time before and after school.
Our student supervision time begins 15 minutes before the start of school and ends 15 minutes past dismissal
times. Please ensure you pick your student up on time. Students who are repeatedly pickup or dropped off late will
be required to conference with school administration so that appropriate actions can be taken.
Follow all safety patrol/adult directions. Failure to do so will lead to school consequences.
Arrive before 8:55am.
Leave for home immediately at dismissal time.
Walk directly to and from school/home.
Follow all safety patrol/adult directions. Failure to do so will lead to school consequences.
Bicycle helmets must be worn and kept in the classroom coat cubby.
Dismount and walk bicycles while on school property.
Bicycles and scooters should be locked in the bike/scooter rack. The school is not responsible for stolen or
damaged bicycles or scooters.
Arrive before 8:55am.
Leave for home immediately at dismissal.
Not Allowed: Skateboards, rollerblades, roller shoes, and Heelys.
BUS SERVICE ELIGIBILITY- Bus service may be provided for students who live outside of a one mile radius from
their home school. Exceptions are made only when hazardous conditions are determined by the District. To
change an assigned bus and/or stop for the day, students must obtain a bus pass from the main office. If there is
a permanent change of address, please notify your school to obtain a bus assignment. Permanent changes may
take up to 5 school days to process.
● BE PROMPT. Bus passengers should arrive at the bus stop no sooner than five minutes before the bus is
scheduled to arrive. Buses will promptly depart all schools 7 minutes after dismissal times. For safety,
once bus doors are closed, drivers will not stop for late arriving students.
● SNOW DAYS. Emergency routing information is available online at Local radio and
TV stations will provide up-to-date information each morning when the roads are slick and/or snowy. Ask
the driver in advance for emergency route information.
● DRIVER AUTHORITY. The bus driver has full authority over the passengers on the bus including seating
● PASSENGER EXPECTATIONS. Safe, respectful conduct is expected of all passengers at all times:
o Obey the driver’s instructions when first requested
o Remain seated
o Respect others and their property
o Keep your hands to yourself
o Keep noise level down.
o Glass objects: Bottles, jars, etc., aerosol cans
o Inflated balloons
o Live animals, bugs, worms
o Oversized objects and instruments, those that cannot fit safely on the lap of the student
o Drugs, paraphernalia, cigarettes\e-cigarettes, vapes or any related products
o Weapons: guns, knives, razor blades, etc. (real or toy)
o Laser pointers
o Any item which cannot be transported easily or which creates a safety concern will require
alternate transportation to or from school, such as:
▪ Open containers of food and drinks
▪ Plants, dirt, other growing projects
▪ Sports equipment which could endanger others: Javelins, pole vaults or shot puts
▪ Skate boards, baseball bats and scooters of any type
▪ Any devices that are distracting to drivers’ ability to drive.